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The Black Hawk Rifle Club, Inc. was organized in February 1936 by a group of shooters at the University of Chicago. The original name was the Blackhawk Rifle Club. A letter was sent to the NRA on May 8, 1936 seeking NRA Club status.

The charter members included:
Russell Wiles, Sr. - President
Russell Wiles, Jr. - Vice President
Ray L. Converse - Secretary & Treasurer
Edward K. Waters - Executive Officer
Eugene H. Pierce - Team Captain
Lois M. Pierce
Dana R. Simpson
Elizabeth Bliss
Bradford Wiles
Donald M. Trowbridge
F. Norris Hooton
Mildred Hooton
Carl T. Dunn
Aaron R. Eppstein
Cora E. Converse
Evelyn Trowbridge

The NRA Club Charter is dated July 18, 1936. Click here to see a photo of it.

The club was incorporated March 25, 1940 by the State of Illinois as Black Hawk Rifle Club, Inc. This certificate states that the club's object was,

"to promote and encourage proficiency in the use of small arms and in marksmanship; to provide facilities for the use of firearms to the members of said club and to other persons; to acquire, hold, use, let or lease buildings and premises and personal property for the objects of the corporation; to make contracts and agreements to accomplish the purposes of the corporation; to join other clubs and organizations whether local, State or national to promote the objects of the corporation."

The following were Directors at that time:

Russell Wiles
Robert V. Miner
Stella Roth
Edward Roth
Clifford E. Pearson
Ray Converse
Arthur Bokman

From a letter by Russell Wiles, Jr. in 1954, "As time went on, additional members of the Midway Rifle Club were added. The Midway Rifle Club dissolved because of the inability of the Club to make a deal for the 124th Field Artillery Armory range. This was a 50 yard indoor range with room for about 8 shooters and was really the only reason for the existence of a shooting organization."

'A Short History of the Black Hawk Rifle Club-the First 75 Years' by Hap Rocketto guides readers through the first three quarters of a century of one of the most prestigious smallbore rifle clubs in America … the Black Hawk Rifle Club.

The book is available for purchase online and shipped directly to your door for $15.03 plus shipping at https://www.blurb.com/b/2301175-a-short-history-of-the-black-hawk-rifle-club-the-f.


Click here to see the Black Hawk Rifle Club Honor Roll of those members who helped promote competitive shooting through teaching and coaching, organizing and working matches and helping other shooters.


Click here to see the Black Hawk Rifle Club Honor Roll of Honorary (Foreign) Members.


Current Officers:

Mike Carter - President
Howard Pitts - Vice President
Mike Carter - Executive Officer
Edie P. Fleeman - Secretary/Treasurer


Black Hawk Rifle Club patch

Black Hawk Rifle Club, Inc.
Edie Fleeman, Secretary
5000 Mandel Road
Durham, NC 27712
Phone 919-389-9710